Robin Cécile

Robin Cécile


Equipe Gemfor

Robin Cécile

Cécile ROBIN

69, route d'Arcachon
33612 Cestas Cedex


Tel : 33+ (0)5 35 38 52 92

courriel :


  • Combining permanent aerobiological networks and molecular analyses for large‐scale surveillance of forest fungal pathogens: A proof‐of‐concept.

Plant Pathol. 2021; 70: 181– 194.

By Jaime Aguayo Claude Husson Emilie Chancerel Olivier Fabreguettes Anne Chandelier Céline Fourrier‐Jeandel Nadine Dupuy Cyril Dutech Renaud Ioos Cécile Robin Michel Thibaudon Benoit Marçais Marie‐Laure Desprez‐Loustau


  • Is Xylella fastidiosa a serious threat to European forests?  Forestry

By  Marie-laure Desprez-Loustau, Yilmaz balci, Daniele Cornara, Paolo Gonthier, Cécile Robin, Marie-Agnès Jacques 

  • Vigil’Ink project: a citizen science project dedicated to Chestnut Ink Disease 

*Mieux connaître la maladie de l’encre du châtaignier grâce aux sciences participatives : lancement de l’application Vigil'encre

A smartphone application available at :

Ephytia platform :


Current research projects



SPNA: Sylviculture de Précision en Nouvelle-Aquitaine. PDR - FEADER Aquitaine, Limousin – Poitou-Charentes - & Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

DIGIE: DépérIssement du châtaignier: vulnérabilité et déterminisme GénétIque de la résistance à l'Encre. C. Robin. Projet Recherche Nouvelle Aquitaine (Nouvelle Aquitaine)

VISTA: VulnérabilIté du châTAignier au dépérissement: implication des Phytophthora spp et barrières écologiques à leur dissémination.(Ministère Agriculture )

Recent publications

Aguayo J, Fourrier-Jeandel C, Capdevielle X, Vétillard F., Piou D., Iturritxa E., Robin C. 2020. Assessment of molecular detection of Fusarium circinatum in insects and passive spore traps in Pinus radiata plantations. For Path. 2020;00:e12574.

Bartholome, J, Brachi, B, Marcais, B, Mougou-Hamdane, A; Bodenes, C; Plomion, C; Robin,C;  Desprez-Loustau, ML. 2020. The genetics of exapted resistance to two exotic pathogens in pedunculate oak. New Phytologist 226 (4),

Drenkhan, R.; ....  Robin, C.; .....  Mullett, M.S. Global Geographic Distribution and Host Range of Fusarium circinatum, the Causal Agent of Pine Pitch Canker. Forests 2020, 11, 724

Laurent, B., Larue, C., Chancerel, E. Guichoux E., Petit R.J., Barreneche T. Robin C. Lepais O. (2020). Microhaplotype genotyping-by-sequencing of 98 highly polymorphic markers in three chestnut tree species. Conservation Genet Resour

Fernandez-Conradi, M. d. P., Fort, T., Castagneyrol, B., Jactel, H., Robin, C. (2019). Fungal endophyte communities differ between chestnut galls and surrounding foliar tissues. Fungal Ecology, 42, 1-8.

Chandelier A, Massot M, Fabreguettes O, Gischer F, Teng F, Robin C (2019) Early detection of Cryphonectria parasitica by real-time PCR. European Journal of Plant Pathology.

Fernandez‐Conradi, P., Jactel, H., Robin, C., Tack, A. J. and Castagneyrol, B. (2018), Fungi reduce preference and performance of insect herbivores on challenged plants. Ecology, 99: 300-311.

Lang, T., Abadie, P., Léger, V., Decourcelle, T., Frigerio, J. M., Burban, C., …Robin C. …Desprez-Loustau ML & Garnier-Géré P (2018). High-quality SNPs from genic regions highlight introgression patterns among European white oaks (Quercus petraea and Q. robur). bioRxiv, 388447,

Lione G., Danti R., Fernandez-Conradi P., Ferreira-Cardoso J. V., Lefort F., Marques G., Meyer J. B., Prospero S., Radócz L., Robin C., Turchetti T., Vettraino A. M., Gonthier P. (2018). The emerging pathogen of chestnut Gnomoniopsis castaneae: the challenge posed by a versatile fungus. Eur J Plant Pathol,

Brusini, J., Wayne, M. L., Franc, A., Robin, C. (2017). The impact of parasitism on resource allocation in a fungal host: the case of Cryphonectria parasitica and its mycovirus, Cryphonectria Hypovirus 1. Ecology and evolution, 7 (15), 5967–5976.

Labbé, F., Lung-Escarmant, B., Fievet, V., Soularue, J.-P., Laurent, C., Robin, C., Dutech, C. (2017). Variation in traits associated with parasitism and saprotrophism in a fungal root-rot pathogen invading intensive pine plantations. Fungal Ecology, 26, 99-108. 10.1016/j.funeco.2017.01.001

Labbé, F., Fontaine, M. C., Robin, C., Dutech, C. (2017). Genetic signatures of variation in population size in a native fungal pathogen after the recent massive plantation of its host tree. Heredity, 119 (6), 402-410.

Robin, C., Andanson, A., Saint-Jean, G., Fabreguettes, O., Dutech, C. (2017). What was old is new again: thermal adaptation within clonal lineages during range expansion in a fungal pathogen. Molecular Ecology, 26 (7), 1952-1963.

Soularue JP, Robin C., Desprez-Loustau ML and Dutech C. 2017. Short Rotations in Forest Plantations Accelerate Virulence Evolution in Root-Rot Pathogenic Fungi. Forests, 8(6), 205;

Vettraino, A., Brasier, C. M., Webber, J. F., Hansen, E. M., Green, S., Robin, C., Tomassini, A., Bruni, N., Vannini, A. (2017). Contrasting microsatellite diversity in the evolutionary lineages of Phytophthora lateralis. Fungal Biology, 121 (2), 112-126,

Fernandez-Conradi, P., Borowiec, N., Capdevielle, X. Castagneyrol, B., Maltoni A., Robin, C., Selvi, F., Van Halder, I., Vétillard, F., Jactel, H. (2017). Plant neighbour identity and invasive pathogen infection affect associational resistance to an invasive gall wasp. Biol Invasions

My research

A research devoted to a better understanding of the dynamics of forest pathosystems, under natural evolution and in response to management and anthropogenic disturbance.

Scientific and technical skills in mycology, epidemiology, population genetics and evolutionary ecology.


- risk factors of emerging forest diseases, biological invasions

- life history traits of forest pathogenic fungi and oomycetes, variability and evolution

- genetic variability and genetic determinisms of resistance to ink and chestnut blight diseases

- biological control methods against forest diseases


forest pathology, epidemiology, disease ecology, disease emergence, phytopathogenic fungi, biological invasions, adaptation, Phytophthora, Cryphonectria, ambrosia beetle fungi, Vigil'encre

Other assignments

2015- present: deputy director of UMR BIOGECO (Biodiversité, gènes et communautés)

2003-2015; 2020- present : leader of the Forest Disease Ecology team, of UMR BIOGECO.

2016- present: member of the scientific board of INRAE Department "Santé et Environnement des Plantes"

2012- present: Member of Editorial Board Annals of Forest Sciences

Education and Academic career

–         since 1992 : Full time researcher (now senior scientist DR2) at INRAE, Bordeaux, France

–         2010 : Habilitation, University of Bordeaux, France
1991-1992: Postdoctoral fellowship at University of Melbourne (Australia)1991 : Ph-D Plant Pathology, University of Bordeaux, France: « La maladie du chêne rouge Quercus rubra L., causée par Phytophthora cinnamomi: perspectives pour l’amélioration génétique de la résistance »

–         1988-1992 : Research Assistant, INRA Bordeaux

–         1988 : Graduate of Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon, France - MSc Agronomy and Plant Pathology

–         PhD 1991 University of Bordeaux, France: « La maladie du chêne rouge Quercus rubra L., causée par Phytophthora cinnamomi: perspectives pour l’amélioration génétique de la



Robin C., Lanz S.,Soutrenon A., Rigling D. Dominance of natural over released biological control agents of the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica in southeastern France is associated with fitness related traits. Biological control, (pdf)

Dutech C. , Fabreguettes O. , Capdevielle C. Robin C. Multiple introductions of divergent genetic lineages in an invasive fungal pathogen, Cryphonectria parasitica, in France. Heredity, (pdf)

Desprez-Loustau ML, Courtecuisse R, Robin C, Husson C, Moreau PA, Blancard D, SELOSSE MA, LUNG-Escarmant B, Piou D, Sache I. 2009. Species diversity and drivers of spread of alien fungi (sensu lato) in europe with a particular focus on France. Biological Invasions, (pdf)

Robin C, Martin M, CAPDEVIILLE X, TRAVERS C, COLINAS C. 2009. Cryphonectria parasitica vegetative compatibility type analysis of populations in south-western France and northern Spain. Plant Pathology 58: 527-535. (pdf)


Dutech C. , Rossi J.-P. , Fabreguettes O. , Robin C. (2008). Geostatistical genetic analyses to describe the colonization pattern of a French forest plot by Cryphonectria parasitica, the chestnut blight fungus. Molecular Ecology 17(21), 4597-4607 (pdf)


Desprez-Loustau ML, Robin C, Buée M, Courtecuisse R, Garbaye J, Suffert F, Sache I, Rizzo D. 2007. The fungal dimension of biological invasions. TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution. 22:472-480 (pdf)

Desprez-Loustau ML, Robin C, Reynaud G, Déqué M, Badeau V, Piou D, Husson C, Marçais B. 2007. Simulating the effects of a climate change scenario on geographical range and activity of forest pathogenic fungi. Can J Plant Pathol. 29(2):101-120.

Morozov A.Y., Robin C., Franc A. 2007. A simple model for the dynamics of a Host-Pathogen-Hyperparasite interaction. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 249:246-253. (pdf)


Breuillin F., Dutech C., Robin C. 2006 Genetic diversity of the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica within four French populations assessed by microsatellite loci. Mycological Research 110: 288-296 (pdf)

Robin C., Morel O., Vettraino A.M., Perlerou C., Diamandis S., Vannini A. 2006 Genetic variation in susceptibility to Phytophthora cambivora in European chestnut (Castanea sativa). Forest Ecology Management 226:199-207 (pdf)


Juhásová G. , Adamcíková K , Robin C. 2005. Results of biological control of chestnut blight in Slovakia. Phytoprotection 86: 19-23

Vettraino A.M., Morel O., Perlerou C., Robin C., Diamandis S., Vannini A. 2005. Occurrence and distribution of Phytophthora species in European chestnut stands, and their association with Ink disease and crown decline. EJPP 111, 169-180. (pdf)


Maurel M., Robin C., Simoneau T., Loustau D., Dreyer E., Desprez-Loustau M. L. 2004. Stomatal conductance and root-to-shoot signalling in chestnut saplings exposed to Phytophthora cinnamomi or partial soil drying. Functional Plant Biology 31, 41-51


Guérin L., Robin C. 2003. Seasonal Effect on Infection and Development of Lesions Caused by Cryphonectria parasitica (Murr.) in Castanea sativa (Mill.). Forest Pathology 33 :223-235. (pdf)


Maurel M., Robin C., Capron G., Desprez-Loustau M. L. 2001. Effects of root damage associated with Phytophthora cinnamomi on water relations, biomass accumulation, mineral nutrition and vulnerability to water stress of three oak species. Forest Pathology 31(2001):353-369. (pdf)

Maurel M., Robin C., Capdevielle X., Loustau D., Desprez-Loustau M. L. 2001. Effects of variable root damage caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi on water relations of chestnuts saplings. Ann. For. Sci. 58:639-651. (pdf)

Robin C., Capron G., Desprez-Loustau M.L. 2001. Root infection by Phytophthora cinnamomi in seedlings of three oak species. Plant Pathology 50 :708-716. (pdf)

Robin C., Heiniger U. 2001. Chestnut blight in Europe: diversity of Cryphonectria parasitica , hypovirulence and biocontrol. Forest Snow and Landscape Research 76(3):361-367.

Trestic T., Uscupulic M., Colinas C., Robin C. 2001. Vc type diversity of Cryphonectria parasitica populations in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Spain and France. Forest Snow and Landscape Research 76(3):391-396.


Robin C., Anziani C., Cortesi P. 2000. Relationship between biological control, incidence of hypovirulence, diversity of vegetative compatibility types of Cryphonectria parasitica in France. Phytopathology 90:730-737.

Date de modification : 16 août 2023 | Date de création : 13 juin 2019 | Rédaction : CRobin