Dispositif QTL chêne

Dispositif QTL chêne

Nom du dispositif
Dispositif QTL chêne
Pierroton (33), Champenoux (54), Bourran (47)


Type de dispositif
Dispositif expérimental
Mono ou multi-site
Insertion dans un réseau
Site Web
Mapedigree / CMap
Ce dispositif est composé de plusieurs familles issues de croisements intra et interspécifiques de chênes. Les descendants plein-frères de ces croisements sont clonés par bouturage. Les dispositifs expérimentaux sont constitués de blocs incomplets à composition aléatoire.
Date(s) d'installation
A partir de 1997
10 ha
Type de substrat
Espèces structurantes
Quercus robur, Quercus petraea et leurs hybrides
Variables testées/observées
Génotype et phénotype
instrumentation-équipement particulier
Filets pour quantifier la reproduction
Nature des données / type de mesures
Marqueurs génétiques, séquences ADN, traits phénotypiques
Disponibilité des données
Mapedigree / CMap
Gestionnaire des données
François Ehrenmann
Contact scientifique
Benjamin Brachi et Grégoire Le Provost
Partenaires (installation/gestion/suivi)
UE arboricole
  • Bartholomé, Jérôme, Benjamin Brachi, Benoit Marçais, Amira Mougou‐Hamdane, Catherine Bodénès, Christophe Plomion, Cécile Robin, and Marie-Laure Desprez‐Loustau. 2020. The Genetics of Exapted Resistance to Two Exotic Pathogens in Pedunculate Oak.” New Phytologist 226: 1088–1103
  • Caignard T, Delzon S, Bodénès C, Dencausse B, Kremer A 2019. Heritability and genetic architecture of reproduction-related traits in a temperate oak species. Tree Genetics & Genomes 15, 1
  • Song J, Brendel O, Bodenès C, Plomion C, Kremer A, Colin F  2017  X-ray computed tomography to decipher the genetic architecture of tree branching traits: oak as a case study. Trees Genetics & Genomes  13:5
  • Bodénès C, Chancerel E, Ehrenmann F, Kremer A, Plomion C (2016) High density linkage mapping and distribution of segregation distorsion regions in oak genome.  DNA Research 23: 115-124
  • Lepoittevin C, Bodénès C, Chancerel E, Villate L, Lang T, Lesur I, Boury C, Ehrenmann F, Zelenica D, Boland A, Besse C, Garnier‐Géré P, Plomion C, Kremer A 2015, Single-nucleotide polymorphism discovery and validation in high density SNP array for genetic analysis in European white oaks. Mol Ecol Res 15: 1446-1459
  • Bodénès C, Chancerel E, Gailing O,  Vendramin GG, Bagnoli F, Durand J, Goicoechea PG, Soliani C, , Villani F, Mattioni C,  Koelewijn HP,  Murat F, Salse J,Roussel G, Boury C, Alberto F, Kremer A, C. Plomion 2012. Comparative mapping in the Fagaceae and beyond using EST-SSRs. BMC Plant Biology 12:153 doi:10.1186/1471-2229-12-153
  • Durand J, Bodénès C, Chancerel E, Frigerio JM, Vendramin G, Sebastiani F, Buonamici A, Gailing O, Koelewijn HP, Villani F, Mattioni C, Cherubini M, Goicoechea PG, Herrán A, Ikaran Z, Cabané C, Ueno S, de Daruvar A, Kremer A, Plomion C 2010 SSR mining in oak ESTs and bin mapping of 256 loci in a Quercus robur L. full-sib pedigree. BMC Genomics 11: 570
  • Derory, J., C. Scotti-Saintagne, E. Bertocchi, L. Le Dantec, N. Graignic, A. Jauffres, M. Casasoli, E. Chancerel, C. Bodénès, F.Alberto and A. Kremer 2010. Contrasting correlations between diversity of candidate genes and variation of bud burst in natural and segregating populations of European oaks. Heredity 104 : 438-448
  • Brendel, O., D. Le ThieC, C. Saintagne, C. Bodénès, A. Kremer, and J.M. Guehl. 2008. Detection of quantitative trait loci controlling water use efficiency and related traits in Quercus robur L. Tree Genetics and Genomes 4(2):263-278
  • Kremer, A., M. Casasoli, T. Barreneche, C. Bodénès, P. Sisco, T. Kubisiak, M. Scalfi, S. Leonardi, E.G. Bakker, J. Buiteveld, J. Romero-Severson, K. Arumuganathan, J. Derory, C. Scotti-Saintagne, G. Roussel, M.E. Bertocchi, C. Lexer, I. Porth, F. Hebard, C. Clark, J. Carlson, C. Plomion, H. Koelewijn, and F. Villani. 2007. Fagaceae: comparative Genetic Mapping in Fagaceae. P. 161-187 in Genome Mapping & Molecular Breeding. Vol. 5: Forest Trees, Kole, C.R. (ed.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo.
  • Parelle, J., M. Zapater, C. Scotti-Saintagne, A. Kremer, Y. Jolivet, E. Dreyer, and O. Brendel. 2007. Quantitative trait loci of tolerance to waterlogging in a European oak (Quercus robur L.): physiological relevance and temporal effect patterns. Plant, Cell and Environment 30:422-434.
  • Casasoli, M., J. Derory, C. Morera-Dutrey, O. Brendel, I. Porth, J.M. Guehl, F. Villani, and A. Kremer 2006. Comparison of QTLs for adaptive traits between oak and chestnut based on an EST consensus map. Genetics 172:533-546.
  • Gailing, O., A. Kremer, W. Steiner, H.H. Hattemer, and R. Finkeldey. 2005. Results on quantitative trait loci for flushing date in oaks can be transferred to different segregating families. Plant Biology 7(5):516-525.
  • Porth, I., M. Berenyi, C. Scotti-Saintagne, T. Barreneche, A. Kremer , and K. Burg. 2005. Linkage mapping of osmotic stress induced genes of oaks. Tree Genetics & Genomes 1(1):31-40.
  • Scotti-Saintagne, C., E. Bertocchi, T. Barreneche, A. Kremer, and C. Plomion. 2005. Quantitative trait loci mapping for vegetative propagation in pedunculate oak. Annals of Forest Science 62:369-374.
  • Barreneche, T., M. Casasoli, K. Russell, A. Akkak, H. Meddour, C. Plomion, F. Villani, and A. Kremer. 2004. Comparative mapping between Quercus and Castanea using simple-sequence repeats (SSRs). Theoretical And Applied Genetics 108(3):558-566.
  • Saintagne, C., C. Bodénès, T. Barreneche, D. Pot, C. Plomion, and A. Kremer. 2004. Distribution of genomic regions differentiating oak species assessed by QTL detection. Heredity 92:20-30.
  • Scotti-Saintagne, C., C. Bodénès, T. Barreneche, E. Bertocchi, C. Plomion, and A. Kremer 2004. Detection of quantitative trait loci controlling bud burst and height growth in Quercus robur L. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 109:1648-1659.
  • Scotti-Saintagne, C., S. Mariette, I. Porth, P.G. Goicoechea, T. Barreneche, C. Bodénès, K. Burg, and A. Kremer. 2004. Genome Scanning for Interspecific Differentiation Between Two Closely Related Oak Species [Quercus robur L. and Q. petraea (Matt.) Liebl.]. Genetics 168(3):1615-1626.
  • Barreneche, T., C. Bodénès, C. Lexer, J.F. Trontin, S. Fluch, R. Streiff, C. Plomion, G. Roussel, H. Steinkellner, K. Burg, J.M. Favre, J. Glössl, and A. Kremer. 1998. A genetic linkage map of Quercus robur L. (pedunculate oak) based on RAPD, SCAR, microsatellite, minisatellite, isozyme and 55 rDNA markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 97(7):1090-1103.

Date de modification : 16 août 2023 | Date de création : 29 octobre 2019 | Rédaction : Antoine Kremer